Comprehensive rules

Loyalty TCG Rules A game where you turn your opponent’s cards and make them loyal to you.

Ages 8+

2 or 4 players

Required for play:
2x 40 card pre-made LOYALTY decks with a maximum of 4 copies of a card per deck and apply other limitations (such as limit one per deck.), 4×4 paper playmat, 1 blockade card, 40 sleeves.

The object of the game is to end the game with the most cards turned your way (Loyal to you).

PREPARATION (Your first game)
Put the playmat on the table and give a deck to each player.
Sleeve one or more of the decks so that the back of the cards looks different to the other deck.

Sit across the table from your opponent with the playmat in between players, you share the playmat.

Shuffle the decks and each player draws four cards from their deck. If you didn’t like the cards you’ve drawn when you start the game, you may shuffle them back into your deck and draw a new set of 4 cards.
You can only do this once. Do not show your cards to your opponent.

* Players sit across the table from each other and play cards facing them.
You play your cards facing you and your opponent plays their cards facing them. (Which is upside down to you)

* Players draw one card every turn and play one card every turn.
* Players can play cards anywhere on the playmat in an empty space.
* If you play your cards next to cards facing your opponent, you check the touching numbers. If your number touching the opponent’s card is higher, you turn their card your way and make it loyal to you.
* Take turns playing cards until the board is full and the player with the most cards turned their way when the board is full, wins the game.

If a player cannot draw a card, they lose the game.
If both players are unable to draw cards at the same time, the game is a draw.

When you play your card next to a card facing your opponent (loyal to them), you check the touching numbers. If your number touching the opponent’s card is higher, you turn their card your way and make it loyal to you.
Only cards played can turn cards. A turned card for example, doesn’t turn the adjacent cards. There is no chain reaction, just the card played interacting with the adjacent cards.
If a card’s effect allows you to play an additional card for the turn, those cards will turn cards as well.
If you place a card with a lower value next to a card, it does NOT lose to the cards adjacent to it.

Decide who goes first (Rock, paper, scissors is a good way for example).
The player going first strategically blocks a square using the blockade card after looking at the cards in their hand.
Placing the blockade ensures the game doesn’t end in a draw. You can only block a center or corner square.

The player going first does not draw a card at the beginning of their turn on their first turn.
You play your card for the turn in an empty space.
TIP: You want to make it difficult for your opponent to take your cards, so place your lower numbers in corners or sides where your opponent can’t play cards next to it if you can.
Tell your opponent what your card does and follow the instructions of the card in the textbox.

On your turn in order, you:
1. Draw a card.
2. Play your card for the turn in an empty space of your choice.
a. Your opponent can play a RESPONSE card.
b. Resolve your card in below order:
i. On play.
ii. Activate triggers like on DESTROY, on DISCARD etc.
iii. Your opponent can play a RESPONSE card.
iv. Resolve triggers and on play effects in the order of your choice.
3. Then turn adjacent cards.
a. Activate on TURNING effects.
b. Your opponent can play a RESPONSE card.
c. Resolve on TURNING effects in the order of your choice.
4. End of turn effects.

Other than when you play a card, cards do not turn cards.
Cards that MOVE by an effect, do not turn cards. Only cards that were played can turn cards.
If you move multiple cards, move each card separately in the order of your choice. This means that cards can move into previously occupied spots as long as they didn’t start there.

On Play abilities happen when you play a card, On play abilities are always resolved first.

On DESTROY effects happen when a card or effect says DESTROY X,Y,Z. You can DESTROY cards in play, hand and from the top of a deck. Follow the card text to see what it affects.

Destroying cards:
If a card says destroy this, then put it in your discards. If a card says destroy a card, it means you destroy it from your play unless otherwise specified.

On DISCARD effects happen when the card with on DISCARD is discarded by any means.
You can DISCARD cards in play, hand and from the top of a deck. Follow the card text to see what it affects.

Discarding cards:
If a card says discard this, then put it in your discards. If a card says discard a card, it means you discard from your hand unless otherwise specified.

SAME: If this card has two or more adjacent cards with the same number, turn those cards.
There has to be at least two adjacent cards for SAME to work and the card played has to match its numbers to adjacent cards on at least two sides for SAME to trigger.

same explanation

ACTIVE: Cards with this symbol make changes to the rules and are active while in play. Apply these cards at all times.

Cards with an on TURNING ability activate when the card is turned.
If you turn multiple cards with on TURNING abilities at the same time, you may choose the order in which they resolve.
All references of “you” refer to the player this card is loyal to after turning. So whoever turns the card gets the on TURNING effect.

RANGED: This card can turn adjacent cards and the cards directly behind it.

1) A normal card only affects adjacent cards.
2) and 3) A RANGED card affects adjacent cards and the card directly behind it.
3) A RANGED card does not affect all cards in one line, for example it does not affect cards further than two spaces away.

1. 2. 3.

These cards interact with what your opponent is trying to do.
Usually the cost is to discard the card from your hand and the effect is to negate the effects of another card or action.

When your opponent announces the card they are playing with an effect you would like to respond to, simply ask them to wait resolving the effect. Then, clearly state which action or effects will be negated this turn.

You may discard a card with RESPONSE from play to use it if:
A) It’s loyal to you.
B) There is an effect to interact with. (Cards that do not interact with specific effects like Miscalculation are the exception and can always be activated.)
C) It is your opponent’s turn.

Searching your deck:
When you search your deck for a specific card always reveal it to your opponent to demonstrate you searched for a card that qualifies. When you search your deck for a card, always SHUFFLE the deck afterwards to ensure the deck remains random.

If a card has no valid targets the effect is ignored.
Example: a Bird of Ill Omens gets discarded and triggers the effect:
On DISCARD: DESTROY a card with a value of 7
If there is no card in play with a value of 7 the effect is ignored.

MAY abilities.
If a card says may, you may choose not to use the effect. If a card doesn’t say may, you’ll have to resolve the ability if there are valid targets.

The difference between stats and value.

Base stats is a term for the numbers printed on a card. If a card refers to stats, it refers to the numbers printed on a card, if a card says value, it means it checks the stats of a card including all modifiers.

A card with stats 5/5/5/5 that gets +1 to all stats has a value of 6 for example.
Base stats are the same as stats (the numbers printed on a card), it just makes it more obvious on cards that modifiers are not applied.

Tournaments are by default best of three games. The winner of the match is the first player to win two games.
Make two 40-card decks per person with a maximum of 4 copies of a card per deck and apply other limitations such as “limit one per deck.” (this limit applies to each deck separately.)
The player losing the previous game chooses their deck first for the next game.
The opponent cannot choose a deck with the same sleeves.

Limit X per deck
In tournament play, the limit one per deck applies to each deck separately. So both decks could play this card at the card’s specified limit.

Please note that cards with the same name are limited to four copies each. Cards with the same name such as a Naysayer from set one and a Naysayer from set two, even though they have different art and stats, they are still considered the same card. You are allowed to combine versions up to 4 copies. In sanctioned events where deck lists are required, you have to distinguish which version you are playing by adding set and number for cards with multiple versions.

There is one exception currently. Vengeful Pigs Imposter has a different name as Vengeful Pigs. However it counts as a Vengeful Pigs, so you can only play a maximum of 4 copies between the two cards.

Other clarifications:
When a card causes another effect to happen, fully resolve all effects per card before moving onto the next card/effect.
You may choose the order of effects, but not partly resolve the effects of a card.