The starter deck “Burden of Progress” focuses on destroying cards and utilising on Destroy and on Turning abilities. The Spearmen allow you to reach previously out of reach cards.

The Starter deck Burden of Progress is fun to pickup and introduces reactive play. It has great depth and replay value as your skill level with the deck increases.



QTY Name Number Rarity
2 North Ravaan Crawler 01-009 C
2 East Ravaan Crawler 01-010 C
2 South Ravaan Crawler 01-011 C
2 West Ravaan Crawler 01-012 C
2 North Ravaan Spearman 01-025 C
2 East Ravaan Spearman 01-026 C
2 South Ravaan Spearman 01-027 C
2 West Ravaan Spearman 01-028 C
4 Burden of Progress 01-029 C
2 Opposing Views 01-037 U
2 Dismissed 01-055 U
3 Eye for an Eye 01-057 U
3 We’ll Learn From Hindsight 01-058 U
2 Naysayer 01-062 U
2 Sir Grump The Third 01-063 U
1 Buried Treasure 01-064 U
1 It’s Not Your Time Yet 01-065 U
1 Dangerous Friends 01-067 R
2 Fate Avoider 01-068 R
1 Bad News Bringer 01-077 R